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Here's what happened when two Irish girls got full Kardashian makeovers

Fake tan + lip liner – good warm clothes = the Kardashian look.

EVER WONDERED how Kim K et al manage to look perfect 24/7? Turns out, it’s a lot of hard work.

factskylie Source: YouTube

The girls from Facts decided to take one for the team and get Kardashian-style makeovers, for science!

A team of stylists gave them the full Kardashian treatment, which included ‘iodine’-like fake tan, waist trainers, and wigs.

factsjenner Source: YouTube

factsjenner2 Source: YouTube

What did they discover? That being a Kardashian/Jenner is neither comfortable nor practical – but you do have to give them props for going through all of this every day:

Source: Facts./YouTube

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